Write Your Way to Presence
This simple writing meditation allows you to get present whenever you have a few free moments.
Get a notebook (or a few sheets of paper and a pen), set a timer for 10-15 minutes, and let your thoughts flow on the page. Allow yourself to become present on the page simply by observing what's going on for you in this moment. Feel free to write whatever comes up or use these questions to help guide you. Be specific and tell the truth. You don't have to show this writing to anyone else.
How does your body feel?
Is your neck tight?
Are you shoulders shrugged?
Is a small headache brewing?
Are you sore from yoga class?
What’s on your mind?
Are you thinking about the conversation you had recently with your sister/best friend/family acquaintance?
Are you writing out your grocery list?
Are you worried about work or something going on in your career?
Do you wish others could read your mind instead of figuring out how to say what you mean?
How’s your spirit?
Are you having fun and engaging in soul-fulfilling activities this week?
Do you feel connected to the universe?
Are you craving more synchronicity and magic?
How have you expressed your soul desires recently?